
Hello and Welcome!

I am so glad you’re here.

Let me introduce myself:

My friends call me Nikki.
I’d be honored if you’d do the same.

I’m a girl in love with her husband of 14 years who has blessed me with the greatest role ever: being a mom.

I’m thrilled to be a child of The King, daily accepting His gift of grace.

And am blown away you’d be willing to share some of your precious time with me.

Why I blog: I am simply a girl in love with her Savior who is elated with the idea that we can help each other along life’s journey.  Because we’re all striving. Stretching. Sometimes struggling. Why not encourage each other along the way?

So I share my heart with you here.  I journal my adventure of seeking joy in the everyday while simply striving to become all that God has made me to be.

My hope for this space: May you see the way He pursues you. May you feel His loving embrace. And as you go about your busy day, my prayer for you is this:

“May the God of hope fill you
with all joy and peace as you trust in Him,
so that you may overflow with hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit.“

Romans 15:13 NIV

My sidebar will show you what I blog about.

I would love to connect with you via social media and get to know you on a more personal level. Feel free to choose how on my sidebar. ==================>

You may also email me at Simplystriving (at) gmail (dot) com.

If you have time and would like suggestions on posts to read, here are the ones that encapsulate Simplystriving to me:

I’d love to get to know you better. Hear all about what you’re striving towards. I hope you’ll stick around. Let’s simply strive to thrive together!

You may also find me writing over at 5 Minutes of Faith and Must Love God.
Would love to have you stop by sometime!

as well as the foreword of this book:

Thanks for sharing your time with me.

Simply striving,


9 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Pingback: And so I Write « simplystriving

  2. Pingback: Life to the Full « simplystriving

  3. Pingback: Setting Up an Affordable Green Grocery Budget | Simply Rebekah

  4. I can’t find your email address on here, but I was wondering, given the content of your last comment on my site, if you had ever written that story here on the blog? I wanted to read it all…

    My heart goes out to the pain you’ve lived through. Blessings…

  5. Pingback: #TellHisStory Featured Writer: Emily Wierenga (And a Giveaway!) | Jennifer Dukes Lee

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