Rainy Day Fun

I squint slow, peeking to see if it’s time. Time for a new day of summer adventure, a brand new morn for delight. But this day greeted me with dark. Accompanied with soft patters along the window pane.

My lips curl upwards as my 8 year-old frame leaps out of bed. A light squeal escapes as I race towards the kitchen.

It’s a rainy summer day!

You see, I looked forward to rainy days as much as I did the sunny ones. Due to my mother who always had tricks up her sleeve. And the best part about rainy days was I had no idea what would be in store. All I knew was there was some summer fun waiting to be discovered…


Friends, I’m sharing the rest of this story over at my friend Aurie‘s place.

And I just have to tell you. Aurie is one of the most encouraging women I have met since blogging. I love her joyful heart and enjoy her family blog so much. Why, here’s a great example of her selfless heart. She’s letting me share this post on her blog even though it isn’t something I normally share here at Simplystriving. Isn’t she wonderful?!?

So stop on by her place! I’ll share what we do for fun around here on rainy days. I’ll also give you other ideas on what you can do this summer on the days your kids are greeted with patters on the window pane!

Simply click on the button below to catch the entire post:

I’d love to know you stopped by. Would you let me know?

Thanks for sharing your time with me. And thank you, Aurie, for allowing me to share words with your readers.

Simply striving,


8 thoughts on “Rainy Day Fun

  1. Your mother must have been so precious to make all your days special and you must be very much like her. Thanks for some great ideas and I plan to let Shepherd make a surprise box to use on rainy days at our house. Hugs and prayers to you my sweet friend.

    • You let me know if you come up with some great ideas for Shepherd’s box, Joy. I’m always looking for new (but not costly) ideas! : ) Thank you for all your encouragement. you mean so much to me. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Total fun! Thanks for sharing your memory with your Mom, and your current memory making with your son. I couldn’t resist, so I sent the link to your blog to fellow grandmothers, some with their grandkids living with them now. I also enjoyed browsing Aurie’s pages, too. Thanks Nikki!!

    • Oh, thanks, Donna! I hope those friends of yours find some good nuggets of ideas they can use with their grandkids, too! And I hope they enjoy it as much as I did/do. Thanks for visiting Aurie’s place, too! She is a gem…

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