REST {Anticipating Spring} ~ Five Minute Friday

This is the post each week where I
Link arms with others who like to
Write on the wild side –unabashedly
Over at Lisa-Jo’s.


For five minutes time.
Without editing or backtracking
On one word alone:


Jack Frost nips as I step into my own Narnia. My breath catches, and then rushes off to join the mist in praise. The trees are draped in pure white, standing valiantly at attention. And it’s obvious…they’re worshiping with every fiber of their being.

For who couldn’t when there is beauty such as this to behold.

March snow storms are the best. They go big and then go home, melting as quick as they came. And I’ve learned to seize these pre-spring moments…make my footprint known here in this mystic morn. Imprinting the memory deep within.

With each crunch under foot I am reminded of where I’ve been. This season of cold. quiet. barren has left me aching for sonnet. Symphonies of praise, echoing from the eaves. Reminding me each day is a gift. The Robin does it best, but the sparrow who branches by my bedroom window wins my heart as she draws me heavenward with each new dawn.

And oh, how I’ve missed her.

The brown spotted rabbit sneaks by, hoping I didn’t notice. The one we’ve urged to find a new winter resting place. And I wonder why they can’t hibernate like the others…how do they manage to find that groove of conserving their energy–only doing what is needed in such a time as this?

These winter phases have always felt awkward on me as I try to wriggle in and find my posture of rest. It’s not like I’m high-strung, no. It’s more like I am strung too low and I feel that tug to pull myself higher. tighter. closer to where the action is.

I rub my palm on the frozen bark of the maple and it darkens just enough to show it felt me. Still it holds its stance heavenward and now I want nothing more than to join in.

It’s in these pre-spring mornings I see it best–how rest doesn’t require hibernation. Just a sense of anticipation. And knowing…believing all that’s needed now is a posture of praise. For He always provides. Always protects. Always renews.

Spring always comes. And oh, how I’ve missed her.


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How about you, friend? How do you find your posture of praise during seasons of rest? I’d love to hear.

Thanks for sharing your time with me.

Simply striving,


If you have time, friend, I’m over at Must Love God today
confessing my “What about me?!?” nature while professing
something I know to be true.
Stop on by ~ simply click on the button below!

71 thoughts on “REST {Anticipating Spring} ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. GIRL!!! I do not know how you wrote that beautiful poetry in FIVE MINUTES! Seriously??!!?? Amazing…really and truly! From the first line, you had me IN to your story and your words. I am in awe of the beauty here…yet again! #Love and {{{Hugs}}}

  2. Now just tap that maple and scoot up to a large plate of pancakes….gotta love that transition from winter to spring. πŸ™‚ I saw a robin this week, it wasn’t startled by my presence, so we had a bit of a stare-down. He won, and I thanked him for not flying away.

  3. oh, I can only imagine how you long for spring when you enjoy such a contrast in seasons…and yes, a posture of praise…thank you for this lovely write, dear Nikki πŸ™‚ Praying you have a restful weekend with your sweeties…are you all better? I was praying for you.

  4. Nikki,
    You are one of the most beautiful expressive writers I have known. Your words covered me – they allowed me to picture exactly what you see. Just awesome.
    Now I need to go to bed – and rest.
    I know when enough is enough. I am telling myself – get off the computer.

    • Janis, I must confess I read your comment in disbelief thinking “clearly, she’s thinking of a different Nikki!” It amazes me when someone is able to read my heart and see Him as clear as you do. Thank you so much. To God be the glory, because we both know–great things He has done. Happy Friday to you!

  5. Nikki, this is beautiful! I also really love this: “I see it best–how rest doesn’t require hibernation. Just a sense of anticipation. And knowing…believing all that’s needed now is a posture of praise. For He always provides. Always protects. Always renews.”
    A sense of anticipation. yes!

    • It is a type of expectancy, don’t you think? An eagerness… naw…anticipation still says it best to me….
      Missed you at the #FMFParty last night, but was so thrilled to see you here. thank you, friend!

  6. Girl – how do you do it? You always steal my soul. And then you write: “…rest doesn’t require hibernation. Just a sense of anticipation.” I’m just going to anticipate instead of going crazy — yep, that’s what I’m going to do. Tweeted that quote up!!!

  7. Dear Nikki
    This is my favorite of all your posts I have read! It is just beautiful. Oh, I can feel your clinging to the beauty of the winter, yet praising our our Pappa for the spring that is already in the air.
    Much love

  8. Such truth spoke to me in this: “It’s in these pre-spring mornings I see it best–how rest doesn’t require hibernation.” Need to chew on that awhile.

    • Monica, I’ve missed you! Thrilled you stopped by–thank you! I’ve been chewing on that for a few days now. nearly fell out of the chair when I saw the prompt;) So glad I could share it with you.

  9. Beautiful and poetic, Nikki! I love that in this I felt your eager anticipation of Spring (and I truly feel this mutual anticipation!) yet you also are praising the moment (not an easy thing to do when Minnesota has been SO snowy this year!). Yes, I am so thankful the beautiful snow glistened trees in the morning and for the “warm”, sunny afternoons that melt the sidewalks. πŸ™‚

    • Once again, Laurie, I didn’t have to shovel today! And we got enough:) It HAS been snowy this year! But I can’t get over how beautiful it is. wow. Maybe because my commute is a flight of stairs–regardless–it’s worth singing loud about!

  10. So, so beautiful and then “…rest doesn’t require hibernation. Just a sense of anticipation……” He is so faithful and good to us! Oh I love this so much!

  11. As soon as page loads and your face shines, my own can’t help but shine in upward lipped smile so big and genuine because it’s you. And I adore you. Every passing connection and word of affirmation and exchange of words. My strings within resound with the lyric of your faithfulness and sincerity and I cannot stop the vibrato of harmony to your stunning melody.
    As I write a song comes from Pandora that empties and grips at the same time and always tears me (“Down” by Jason Walker..try to find it..oh oh oh). It’s haunting and doesn’t compliment this life of hope and faith you lead, but it leaves nothing on the table, it lays it all out and that’s the beauty of this life – He desires just that same act from us each day. Laying it all down, even if everything crumbles. Because He’s the master of puzzles and art and we are never finished but we are always done in His eyes because HE finished it on a mountain and we became – we BECAME.
    I love you. I can confidently say such hilarious truth that’s not really hilarious except who would have known that a face I’ve never held in my hands to declare “Sister, I’ve found you!” is one that I cannot stop thanking God for? You are exquisite. Pure and simple.

    Good morning lovely. What a blessing you are.

    • Oh my soul sister, love and hugs to you. Thank you for that song–you are right. It grips as it empties, lingering as it waits for action. Thank you. And I’m a living testimony to your words here, friend…because I come to Him crumbled…scattered often and still He manages to mold and build and complete me.
      Love you to pieces and I can say that honestly as I see Him shine so bright through you.

  12. Pingback: Five Minute Friday: Rest | Even A Girl Like Me

  13. I do long for the sunshine of Spring even though here in the Southeast we don’t see much of a contrast between the seasons. I love the picture you have painted for us with your words. Thank you for sharing.

    • Thank you so much, Amy! You make me glad for these 4-8 inches we’re expecting tonight;) I’d love to read your heart…did you write a Five Minute Friday post, too? I’m struggling finding your blog. Please feel free to share the url with me here. I’d love to visit!

    • You make me smile, Mary Leigh! That bunny is so cute, but he eats my bushes despite my best efforts and I’m afraid 2 will not survive…and I know it’s my rain garden in the spring he’s anticipating;)

  14. Oh my Lord… girl – you nearly made me wish for snow! And this: “It’s in these pre-spring mornings I see it best–how rest doesn’t require hibernation. Just a sense of anticipation. And knowing…believing all that’s needed now is a posture of praise. For He always provides. Always protects. Always renews. Spring always comes. And oh, how I’ve missed her.” Amen and Amen my friend! You bless me so!

  15. Beautiful and lovely. I too have been in this winter season and hated it at the beginning. I have learned to love all the beauty in winter and rest and the renewed energy that comes from only Him. Love visiting you, always feel blessed by your words.

    • I’m smiling here knowing your girls ice skate and this winter season could mean so many things for you, friend! Regardless, there He is in all of them…loving all over you. {HUGS}

  16. I enjoy all your posts but on Fridays especially… when you just let it all loose! Gorgeous picture and heart to go with it. I have this pre-Spring excitement too! It’ll be a few more weeks until we really feel it come home. ~ Blessings on your night girl, Amy πŸ™‚

    • Even with the 4-8 inches expected overnight, I feel spring on the horizon! Love seeing His glory unfold during the switching of season. You in Maine and me here–we’re both blessed to see it so clearly! {HUGS} thanks for reading my heart, Amy!

  17. Chills from the words and their deeper song! Girl, you could rewrite the phone book into a bestseller. This is just so beautiful, the power of the imagery speaks straight to my soul and makes me want to make snow angels while singing. Thank you for this bit of beauty.

    • Oh, girl. you read my heart so well. You’ll find out soon that He shines better through me on the screen than over the phone;)
      and I’d join you in making snow angels any day…especially if there’s singing! {HUGS}

  18. So many call you friend, and it’s no wonder. You shine and your words sparkle. And the posture of praise, that you live out with your words, it is beautiful. As are you, Sweet Nikki. As are you.

  19. ” I see it best–how rest doesn’t require hibernation. Just a sense of anticipation. And knowing…believing all that’s needed now is a posture of praise. For He always provides. Always protects. Always renews.

    Spring always comes. And oh, how I’ve missed her.”

    yes! πŸ™‚

  20. “It’s in these pre-spring mornings I see it best–how rest doesn’t require hibernation. Just a sense of anticipation. And knowing…believing all that’s needed now is a posture of praise.”

    Oh, this is beautiful, Nikki. A posture of praise. I must ask myself this continually … am I keeping a posture of praise? No matter the season. No matter the circumstances.

    Thank you for these words to ponder and contemplate. May they soak deep into my soul until a posture of praise becomes so integral to every breath I take.

    You’re an amazing writer, Nikki. Truly. I mean that.

    • Denise, thank you so much for sharing with me. I’m finding my great-grandmother is right…posture is pertinent –especially when we’re talking our hearts…
      Love and hugs to you, friend! I’m LOVING your book! (just started!!!)

  21. Pingback: Five Minute Friday: Rest | Karan K. Gleddie

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