You’re Already Amazing {Giveaway!}

UPDATE: This giveaway is now closed. has spoken and picked #3.
Kristin, you’re the winner!
Email me your mailing address.
Thank you everyone for participating!
I hope you will find a way to get your hands on this book.
When you do, let me know. I’d love to chat with you about it.

Friends, I must admit I started this book a bit skeptical. I doubted it would convince me the title is in fact true. You see, I have my mother in me. And she is not one to talk about herself, or make note of any of her successes or try to prove anything of herself in words. Why, that would seem selfish and self-centered. And I truly am my mother’s daughter. I have never used the word ‘amazing’ to describe myself.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m more than willing to admit when I fall short in areas. Why, just look at the title of my blog. But I have a very hard time admitting I am anything close to amazing.

Until now.

Holley reeled me in in the first chapter (yes, I’m on a first name basis with the author. I read her blog after all). She called me on the carpet right away and said:

“If you want to understand yourself just so that you can do whatever you’d like for your personal gain, then it’s self-centered. If your intent is to love God, others, and yourself more, then knowing who you are is one of the most unselfish things you can do.” (pg 24)

And it just got better from there.

This book is not a self-help book to becoming perfect. It’s a book to help you learn how to turn to Jesus and give Him your all. To be brave enough to be who He has made you to be. Not be like anyone else. Just you. Amazing you.

If I were to sum up the book with one quote, this is the one I’d pick:

All you are, everything God created you to be,
becomes a gift when placed in His hands.
There’s nothing He can’t mold, shape, redeem,
form into something beautiful.
You don’t have to be afraid or hold back —
just hold out your heart to the One who
promises to complete the good work He’s already started in you. (pg 184)

A part of me wants to share with you all the ways God spoke to my heart while reading. I’m sure I will at some point. But that’s not what I want to do today. I want to give a book to you. So we can talk about it together. How it impacted each of us.

Friend, do you think you could benefit from reading this book? Or do you know someone you’d like to gift it to? I’d love to hear.

This book was given to me by my friend Mary (as I won her giveaway for it) and I would love to do the same. I have a new copy ready to gift to you! I so hope you win.


I plan on giving away one book to one winner randomly. I’m sorry–US Residents only.

Any valid entry can win as it will be via random selection (yes, my dear sister, even you could enter).

Giveaway will end Memorial Day, May 28th at noon. I will contact the winner shortly after and update this blog post with the results.

Winner will have 48 hours to respond or another name will be chosen.


Simply comment. Tell me why you’d like to win. And if you would also share the book with someone else. Please make sure I can contact you if you win by commenting with a valid email, Facebook or twitter log in.


If you follow Simplystriving either by Facebook or email/reader, let me know in an additional comment for an extra entry.

NOTE: You must make an additional comment for this extra entry (it’s the only way works fairly).

Feel free to share this giveaway if you think someone else could benefit!

I can’t wait to hear from you! And look forward to notifying the winner.

Thanks for sharing your time with me.

Simply striving,


23 thoughts on “You’re Already Amazing {Giveaway!}

  1. Sounds like a great book! We all look at the mess of our lives and can’t imagine it changing or looking any different. But God knows differently. He’s in the business of making all things beautiful. We just need to embrace and believe in what He is doing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow – yes this sounds like a fabulous book – anything to help remind me of who I am in God is a good thing!!!

  3. Looks like a great book! I also have some of the same “mother in me” characteristics that you wrote about. And I love the quote you included from the first chapter.

  4. “there’s no stopping Him in you – and He’s got bigger plans for your life then you’ve ever imagined,” this quote hooked me in to want to read more. But I think I’ll see if I can get it on my Kindle in a large font. Thanks for letting me know about a great book to read this summer.

  5. Nikki, I’ve been watching Holley’s book scamper up the best seller list, and I want to read it but haven’t had a chance to pick it up. I promise I’d “pay it forward,” i.e. give it to someone else when I’m done! I need to know that I can be, may already be amazing to Him — it was never a concept I grasped growing up. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  6. You reeled me in with your description of the book; I’ve been wanting to read it but I’ve told myself that I must first finish the books I have before reading another, but if picks me then i will know God really wanted me to read this book…funny, huh?

  7. Nikki, I would love to read the book! It sounds like it would be right for what I am going through lately. Thanks for giving me a head’s up on the book…I’ll have to read it whether I win or not! 🙂

  8. I really would love to win it and share it with my amazing friend and encourager who absolutely cannot see that she is amazing. She truly is blind to how beautiful and amazing she is…yet she always tells me so many uplifting things and edifying words, prayers and belief in my “gifts”. But she is such a blessing to me and many others. She is the friend who gently nudged me to write and share on my Blog and spread my wings…more and more. I really wish I could convince her- maybe this book would help?

  9. Hi Nikki…I waited to enter because I thought so many others deserved to win this book. It sounds amazing! I read a lot of books for work but I thought if I won, it would be nice to read a book for fun. I met with my sisters today and I thought that they might enjoy reading this book too! I have no doubt whoever wins…will be blessed to read it.

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