The Good in Bye ~ 5 Minute Friday

I missed it last week. My finger painting time.
These 5 minutes each week I carve out to paint with words.
Without worrying if they’re right or not.
No editing or backtracking. Just painting my heart on the screen
after given a word prompt by the amazing Lisa-Jo.

Today’s Word prompt is:


No matter how much you try to protect your heart, one is never ready to utter this word. Not to someone you love. For it holds no hope. No promise for tomorrow. No room for error.

And yet it must be said.
For every life contains a hello and good-bye.
The common thread intertwined in all of us.

Oh but to be born anew. To have hope restored.
For Jesus puts the good in bye.

He transforms it into a chapter end. A slight pause with a yearning to turn the page and begin again.

It still needs to be said.
For every chapter deserves a proper ending.
Hope restored.

And oh I pray you know my Jesus so I can mean the good in bye. Then our paths will always cross again. And when they do, it will be good.


Would you like to see what others think of the word Good-Bye?
Would you like to paint along? Click the button below!

How about you? Do you see the good in bye? I’d love to hear.

Thanks for sharing your time with me.

Simply striving,







18 thoughts on “The Good in Bye ~ 5 Minute Friday

    • I had a childhood friend who refused to say the word “Good” when saying bye. It’s always stuck with me as my stubborn nature strived to find the good of it. : ) Thank you so much for stopping by, Shanda! Enjoy your weekend!

    • I would agree with that, Laura. I do think it hurts more when we are not of the same family of Christ. . . makes me want to ensure all my loved ones have that opportunity, that’s for sure!
      ~Thanks for stopping by!~
      All for Him,

  1. Oh sweet friend, I love this.
    So beautiful. Transforming the ending to merely a chapter– what a comforting thought!!

  2. I love this…yes… our lives is but a book with many chapters…one chapter has to end to a new one can be written…blessings to your~

  3. Hi Nikki,

    I have missed you and 5MF…Just posted and I love that we were on a similar wavelength with our posts. Beautifully written post…so grateful that He puts the “good” in “bye”…Love and hugs 🙂

    • Thank you, Dolly — I have missed you, too! Trust you had a wonderful time with your family enjoying the sand between your toes…Your post was wonderful. I could barely get any words out of me with this prompt. Not sure if it is because it’s so emotional or what. So I appreciate your kind words. thank you. 🙂

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