Coffee Talk With Jesus {A GIVEAWAY}

I was a reader of her blog before Simplystriving ever came to be. I believe it was in my twelfth post I mentioned how her words had made me think and ultimately encouraged me. That was two years ago now and I can still say the same today: Barbie’s words soak through to my soul and percolate. Because they’re written with Him in full view…

And now Barbie’s written a book! A 31-day Devotional no-less. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. Now that I’ve read it, I’m elated to give away one to you…

If we’ve shared moments on the screen together before, you’ll know I often talk about this scandalous love affair our Savior offers. How He doesn’t just want our obedience, He wants the intimate depths of our heart. Our soul. He longs to take residence in that place we harbor what is most sacred to us.

Barbie gets it and has a way of taking you there…of showing you glimpses of Him for a few minutes each day. That’s all this book requires–just enough time to finish your morning cup of coffee.

Coffee Talk With Jesus: Intimate Chats With The Savior is written as if Jesus is at the kitchen table with you, sipping on Breakfast Blend Brew while you enjoy each other’s company. Or maybe you’re eating coffee toffee bars or it’s chocolate mint coffee {there are quite a few wonderful recipes in the book as well!}

Friends, I would have been thrilled with her devotional if that’s all it was. Truly. But Barbie goes one further. She makes you commit as she offers these moments of reflection. This safe place to pen your own response of what God is sharing with you each day.

Here’s what I loved most: The reflection moments dig into uncharted waters. Most focus on Him. Not so much what you should do, but what He can do for you. You’re not asked to look in the mirror, you’re asked to look at His reflection… You’re also asked to look within, to where He should be and see if there’s anything blocking you from having the kind of relationship you both long for.

There’s so much I could share about this book. About how real and personal it can take your relationship with Him, but I’d rather you explore it for yourself. And in hopes you do, Barbie has offered to give away one copy here to one of you!



One winner will have their choice of either a signed copy of the book itself or the kindle version of Coffee Talk With Jesus. Winner will be chosen at random using on Monday, December 2nd, at 12:01am Central Time.


Simply answer in comments this question: If you had a coffee date with Jesus, what is one thing you would want to make sure you talked about?

Comments will need to be entered by Sunday evening, December 1st at 11:59pm Central Time and have a valid email address to respond to if you win (all email is confidential and will never be shared).


You may use any of the share buttons featured below to offer this giveaway to your friends. Simply share in comments which one you used.


If a hard/soft copy of the book is requested by the winner, please note these will be shipped out mid-December. And my readers outside the US of A are more than welcome to enter–thank you, Barbie!


To learn more about this wonderful Journal/Devotional, you may visit:

  • Amazon (I’m not an affiliate — just making it easy) Click the “Look Inside” to get a taste of what to expect each day.
  • The Author, Barbie’s blog ~ Freshly Brewed Life (and if you hurry, she’s also giving some copies away!)

Thank you for sharing your time with me.

Simply striving,


NOTE: I was provided with a PDF copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Everything expressed here is my own opinion. Barbie would never ask anything from me but my own perspective. She is, however, the one supplying the book for the giveaway and for that, as well as the copy I received, the honor is all mine. I am truly grateful.

18 thoughts on “Coffee Talk With Jesus {A GIVEAWAY}

  1. Oh there is so much that I want to ask Jesus when I see Him face to face. But I think all I will do is Worship Him and Thank Him for all He has done for me.

  2. A coffee date with Jesus…I have one every morning! (Well, I have a cappuccino generally speaking.) What one thing would I want to be sure to talk about? The intricacies of knitting together a baby in the womb.
    (I shared on FB. If I win, I would like a signed copy as it’s easier to pass along and share with others!)

  3. (I don’t need to be entered here but I just wanted to say I LOVED this book as well… and I love that we were reading through it at the same time… Oh – and me and Jesus? I’m pretty sure we’ll talk about how much we love you and Barbie!)

  4. Well count me in! Barbie is such an inspiration to me in many ways. I love what Karrilee says! But let’s see, as for me I would want to talk with Jesus about specific verses in the bible that have made me ponder…really, I think if I was sitting with Jesus I would be speechless. Because I would be overwhelmed with His beauty. Plus I would forget the coffee…and all else as I gazed into His eyes. Sigh. Thanks, Nikki! I’m sharing away. Hugs.

  5. I imagine I wouldn’t actually be able to speak….Oh the glory! But I would definitely have to thank Him for His pursuit and protection of me. Then, Oh gosh, there is just so much!!! I’d probably just babble on and on….kind of like now. 😉

  6. I would so in awe of Jesus’ presence at my table or wherever I don’t know that I could say two intelligible words! And yet, I’d want to know why, as in the case of my loving brother-in-law who had so much to offer and in the case of a young nephew who was murdered, these good people were taken too soon, at least two soon in my heart. Maybe I’d better write this down, just in case . . . .

    Thanks so much, Nikki, for your review of Barbie’s book and it sounds like something I really would like to read.

    I also shared on Twitter and Facebook. You two make quite a team!

    Hugs, blessings and happy Thanksgiving to you both!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing Barbie’s lovely devotional. What a comforting thought to sit across from Jesus! What would I say? First, I would be in awe. Then I would thank Him for always being by my side, especially through so many trials– divorce, single parenting, cancer, an alcoholic son. I don’t think I’d have any questions, but rather an overwhelming gratitude for the blessings of His presence in my life. I’d love to win this book! Happy Thanksgiving and I thank Sherrey Meyer for showing me the way to your blog.

    Kathy Pooler

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