OPPORTUNITY ~ Five Minute Friday

I’ve missed it so.
Just writing.
Without worrying if it’s right or not.
And then linking arms with others who feel the same.
Over at Lisa-Jo’s.


We took December off,
But today, I’m joining others
As we write unabashedly
For five minutes time.
Without editing or backtracking
On one word alone:


We say it often, though I wonder if we truly believe it. It’s easier for me to encourage you to claim it than it is for me to look in the mirror and accept it as my own. Even still…

His Grace. Compassion. Mercies. Doesn’t matter which translation you read, they all mean the same. Friend, His love for you and for me is New. Every. Morning. (Lamentations 3:21-24)

He falls in love with us over and over again. And offers His hand to me each day. May I never get over that.

Each new dawn, it’s there for the asking. Each moment, really. As my great-grandmother would say: “It’s always morning somewhere.”

Life has a way of making us forget. It pushes aside the readily available for something new and more stimulating.

Oh but if we stopped and just looked at His face. If we slowed down and paid attention to how He pursues us each day. If only we would wake each morn and just say “thank you” for the gift He is handing us.

The gift of opportunity: The gift of LIFE.

The opportunity to love Him back with reckless abandon. To live like He’s in the room — on purpose for His glory. To mean it when we claim His name of ‘Christian’ as our identity.

If only we loved back. Like it was New. Every. Morning.

My new calendar on the wall shows me a clean slate. It’s wide open with opportunity and friends, I’m going to seize it. Yes, this is my year to shine. To radiate His Grace. Compassion. Mercies. Doesn’t matter how you look at it–it all means the same.

I’m going to love my neighbor. Like He loves me. New. Every. Morning.


Would you like to see what others thought of the prompt?
Would you like to play along?
Join in on the Five Minute Friday Flash Mob!
Simply click on the button below!

How about you? How do you plan on using the gift He is offering you this year? I’d love to hear.

Thanks for sharing your time with me.

Simply striving,


Are we friends on Facebook? I’d love to be…


55 thoughts on “OPPORTUNITY ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. What fun! FMF rules say I have to comment on your blog since you are right before me. LOL. I would have come anyway. Blogs let us peek at the hearts of others but the actual life circumstances, well those are not so clear. And I love your post and the encouragement but from this side of the screen dear Nikki, it appears to me you radiated grace, compassion and mercy last year!

    • Love being your neighbor today at the place I first met you, Laura! And you are so kind to me. He clearly laid this word on my heart…I’m looking forward to seeing where it takes me!

  2. I like it. Loving Him back as if it were New every morning. What a great, and challenging thought….perhaps even an….opportunity….:) Glad to be back to FMF!

  3. “Oh but if we stopped and just looked at His face. If we slowed down and paid attention to how He pursues us each day. If only we would wake each morn and just say “thank you” for the gift He is handing us.” Beautiful my friend. I’ve missed you!

  4. “My new calendar on the wall shows me a clean slate. It’s wide open with opportunity…”

    That’s what I love about the New Year. It’s a fresh start. And we all need those from time to time. I’m so grateful that His mercies are new every day. I need His mercy often.

    Thank you for these encouraging words, my friend.

  5. Oh,dear Nikki, do we need anything else when we are caught up in the wonder of this great opportunity!
    Much love, my friend, and a blessed 2013

  6. Oh the blessing of His unending love, moment by moment. And to think that even when we mess up He continues to give us opportunities. Loved what your great grandmother would say about “it’s always morning somewhere.” How I love the dawn of a new day fresh with His opportunity to bless others. You are such a blessing, Nikki, thank you!

  7. Seriously- always blessed by your posts! Lamentations 3 is one of my all time favorite passages. I love the part that says “The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him”. What a perfect passage to use to remind us of His compassion for us and our need to respond in the same way.
    Thanks so much, Nikki!!!

    • Oh, I love that portion, too, Becky! My favorite translation of the verse says “Therefore, I will hope in Him”…and I ponder how wait and hope can intermingle often…
      Enjoyed chatting with you last night, friend! Thanks for stopping by today!

  8. Nikki, you capture my heart this morning . . . I needed to hear, exactly this. Thank you, as always, for the beautiful and captivating faith you share with wisdom and light. So blessed by you.

  9. Pingback: Opportunity « It Just Dawned On Me

  10. Hey Lady! How are you? This was beautiful! I always enjoy your writing and I really loved the line – And offers His hand to me each day. May I never get over that. Love it! Have a great day!

    • Oh we are so kindred, Lori. I LOVED, loved, loved how our posts mirrored each other! I’m adding your URL here so others can stop by and read it, too (and for the record, friend, your URL is always welcome here. always)
      Love and hugs to you!

  11. I just bought a new 2013 pocket calendar this morning… I LOVE the word opportunity! Everything’s clean and new… just like each moment with Him. God is good! Have an awesome Friday Nikki girl! ~ Love out, Amy

  12. To live like He is in the room… and Oh how He is! I have so missed you my friend and it is SO good to have you back! To Be Love… to take the Opportunities to love like Him… yes – that is the call! Lord, open our eyes to see the Opportunities all around us! Love you sweet sister!

    • You just get me, don’t you Karrilee. I don’t remember how we found each other in this crazy cyber world (I think it was #FMFParty, was it not?) but I list it as one of my ‘God things’. Because only He would have known how much I needed you! {HUGS}

  13. Planning to do the same as you, dear Nikki! Seizing every opportunity in every moment of this day to see His glory. To embrace His Grace! Here is to ALLL the opportunities we are given and to the knowing that we can only glorify Him by accepting them as ours!

    • We do need to claim them, don’t we! I’m certain that’s why God instilled “Intentional” as my word last year before He had me focus on this. Because I learned to claim my choices! Love how He continues to work through me to draw me closer to Him….

      thanks for reading my heart, friend! {HUGS}

    • I’d love to fully grasp it — His love. I doubt I’ll ever get there, but am loving the journey of trying. Crazy how I get closer and closer every day : )

      LOVED your five minute write, Jamie. And for the record: No way you have 4 grandbabies!! 😉

  14. What a precious gift the Lord gives us– a clean slate every day, every month, every year! It is so mind boggling that the Creator of the universe would not only want to become one of us, but come to serve us, who are so sinful, in order to show us how to serve.

    Your post the other day on your “word” for the year inspired me. I had never chosen or wrote about a word before. I wrote a post today and would be honored if you’d tell me what you think about it.

    Much love and prayers to you, friend! 🙂

  15. Pingback: Opportunity – #fiveminutefriday « Pilgrim Wanderings

  16. Oh my word – yes! “…to live like He’s in the room.” I forgot it was 5 Minute Friday and am so excited to be able to start again! I am always encouraged and inspired by your perspective, Nikki. Always.

  17. What a lovely reminder to remember anew each day His love for me and to share it with others…I need to be reminded constantly…So glad to read your words again for 5mF…praying you are all well…our girl has been sick for over a week but I think she is on the mend…Hugs to you, dear Nikki 🙂

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