The Fine Print ~ 5 Minute Friday

When I saw the theme for this week’s 5 Minute Friday challenge, I knew I had to take part. Not because I have something magnificent or eye-opening to share. But because when I saw the word, I cringed. It clearly struck an emotional chord.

This week’s topic:

So here is what comes to mind when I allow my fingers to fly across the keyboard for five minutes. Thank you for your grace as no editing or backtracking is allowed.


Why is it so hard to trust in this world of guarantees? Knowledge is grasped more than ever before and yet we still cannot believe what we see or hear. Doubt prevails when we see lines of fine print. When someone of authority offers a “Believe me” statement, our first thought is “Why should we?”

I look at my preschool boy. Full of innocence with a luster for life and I worry. I fear for his heart being hurt. For his faith being shaken. For when trust will become an issue. Yes, I worry. And yet, I have to ask myself “Why should we?”

For knowledge can be grasped more than ever before. In front of me is a book filled with all the answers. It’s available to me in any translation I fancy and has been around long enough to prove its authenticity.

In this I can trust.
With this I can teach.

In Him I can rely.
and for my boy I can lead the way.

For this world is filled with worthless guarantees. But I can trust in the knowledge grasped from reading life’s manual.

After all, I’ve read it and know how it ends. I know where the goal is and what the reward will be.

The rest of this life is nothing more than fine print.


It wouldn’t be fair to the challenge to try to explain further. I’m going to trust you understand my heart!

How about you? Do you find yourself having trust issues? Do you worry? How do you filter through your knowledge? I’d love to hear.

Thanks for sharing your time with me. And feel free to click on the 5 Minute Friday button to read more interpretations on the topic of trust!

Simply striving,


34 thoughts on “The Fine Print ~ 5 Minute Friday

  1. Wow. I can’t imagine teaching a child to trust One he can’t see, but I know my own trust issues this One and pray for you in the journey! When I struggle to trust the Lord, I go to His word, the only thing I know to be true, and keep reciting it to myself until my feelings match my knowledge of who God is and who I am in Him. Thank you for your beautiful post! Linking up through the Gypsy Mama!

    • Thank you so much for stopping by, Kariss! And for the prayers–I will take them! You’re right, it’s not easy, but with His help, all things are possible. I just need to trust……
      Have a blessed weekend!

  2. We both wrote about our children, and it sure is hard at times trusting God with these children of ours because we want the best for them, and it’s hard at times comprehending He wants even BETTER for them!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I would love to keep my 6 year old daughter in a bubble of my protection from the world, but each day I have to trust that God will guard her and guide us as we raise her.

    I came over from Lisa Jo’s.

    Be blessed!

    • Thank you so much for stopping by, Beth! Yes, I’m thinking these bubbles could be quite the industry to get into ; ) But trust will get them farther. This we can do.

      Have a blessed weekend!
      All for Him,

  4. “The rest of this life is nothing more than fine print.” YES! I love the idea of the gospel being the only guarantee we can fully trust. The older I get the more this becomes truth in my life. Thank you for taking up the challenge of

    • You did it! You took the challenge! 🙂
      You and I are in the same boat of worrying and trusting….
      Have a blessed weekend, Julie Anne — and thank you for sharing with me!

      All for Him,

  5. When I read this: ‘When someone of authority offers a “Believe me” statement, our first thought is “Why should we?,”’ I had to nod my head because that’s exactly how I tend to react sometimes. And yet, God is so perfect and somehow even though I can’t see Him, I know(and need to remember more often) I can lean on Him.

    I love that picture at the beginning of your post!

    • Thank you for stopping by, Amy! (and for the compliment on the photo–my brother in law took that pic!)
      Yes, we do need to strive to remember…God is perfect. God’s got this. We can lean on Him.
      Have a blessed weekend!
      All for Him,

  6. Love. this. post. Simple and true – and yes! We should be able to trust – why do we make it so hard?! I have the same fears for the my girls – but I can’t bubble wrap them. Instilling a strong belief in Jesus in them is the best that I can do.

  7. Love this Nikki…and you are right…a ‘world full of guarantees’ and yet it means nothing without the true guarantee. This is such a pregnant time for us as believers to live like this…that the world would see something so different and it stems from roots of trust deep in Him & His Word. Thank you for this:}

    • Thank YOU, for stopping by, Abby! And for your encouragement. Yes, now is the time to live just as He’s called us to live. So thrilled you are striving to live that journey, too!

      All for Him,

  8. In this I can trust.
    With this I can teach.

    In Him I can rely.
    and for my boy I can lead the way.

    Love this part, we have five kiddo’s and it does get hard to remember to trust Him and that He has given us all we need….that He has matched us specifically with our children and they with us for their parents for a reason {;0)

  9. Such a great post and I love how you captured all of that in five minutes…Yes, trust is a process… I have struggled long and hard with this, and still do…I was bad on my post as I continued to write past the five minutes, but I do mark the end so people can stop reading if they want to…sigh!

    I think the hardest is trusting God with our child(ren), but like you, I look back at His word and His promises. Have a blessed weekend, Nikki! You are a blessing!

  10. Awesome, Nikki!

    Trust is something that can be a struggle for me, but He’s teaching me that it’s fine… I don’t have to worry… He’s in control of all the details.

  11. I am learning to trust Him and let go of my children as they enter the next phase of their lives — a daughter to be married in June. A son who is about to learn to drive (late at almost 18) and who just entered into a courtship. Time is fleeting. It’s hard to let go. I’ve cried many tears. Wondering if I’ve done a good job as a mom, yet trusting that God did His best job through me.

    • Oh, what a painful process of trust, friend. Wish I could give you a hug. Your children are so blessed to have you there to remind them who to turn to when life becomes overwhelming. Praying they trust in Him as they face new adventures!

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